Forge Announcement!

 FORGE, the final installment of the Children of Man series, is coming SUMMER 2016!


  1. So excited to see this!! I have been waiting, like you said, 3 years. So glad you were able to finish your work. It is such an engrossing tale.

  2. Woohoo! Just seeing this. Very exciting!

  3. So excited to hear this! I'm looking forward to re-reading Shatter and Render and getting reacquainted with the characters. Summer is my favorite season, and this adds one more reason to my list of "why summer can't get here fast enough"!

  4. Any news on approximate time for Forge?

    Also, keep up the good work. Everything about this series I love. I'm not an avid reader, but I have speed-read your series. I love it!

  5. I can't wait to read the ending to this story. Not my usual type of thing but I have re-read the first two stories so many times. Hope the writing of it is going well

  6. just finished re-reading the first two for the 17th??? time and feeling that empty feeling again- need to know what happens to everyone! Any news on a release date?

  7. Hang in there Elizabeth. You can't see us but your fans are always here cheering you on. Times can be tough and life happens along the way and much of it is harsh and hurtful and takes a long time to move beyond. Be strong my friend, because even though it doesn't feel like it. these hard times will pass. The hurt and the cherished memories will always be reminders of those who we love and miss. Know that we are always out here hoping for your success, we are waiting patiently, or not for Forge, but wee also realize that some things are out of your hands.
    We won't forget your stories no matter how long it takes to finish it we will wait.
    Take care of you, be healthy, be happy.
    Nah.Stacey Gray

  8. You are an awesome writer; the world you crafted is just so fascinating, and original, and the very fact the books aren't polish perfect is perfect!

    Yeah. We're waiting, and take as long as you need. Even if you don't finish, the stories that already exist are wonderful and I will cherish them always. I've read and re-read the books so many times I can't count.

    I really hope things are working out decently over there, as the life of a writer can be perilous at times.

    And btw, if you ever visit Poland, I'm offering to host you. Cuts costs a lot ;).


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